Impact Program
Transition Solutions Enterprises understands the difficulties and stigma attached to being incarcerated. These difficulties can be paralyzing to individuals causing them to feel frustrated, inadequate and hopeless. The TSE Impact Program seeks to minimize these difficulties and provide a positive vision for the future. Our Impact Program is designed by educators and industry leaders to provide life skills and training to incarcerated individuals in preparation for release. The Program training includes entry level computer courses, techniques on how to properly complete a resume and prepare for interviews, career assessments, as well as basic money management, among other topics. We also provide specialized training in high need vocational and agricultural occupations post release.
Ideally, TSE begins working with clients six months prior to release; however, we work with each individual facility based upon their needs and requirements. Impact consists of two phases, pre- and post-release, with six major components: 1) Release Counseling; 2) The Basics; 3) Job vs Career; 4) Entrepreneurship; 5) Money Management Skills; and 6) Moving Forward; each component has pre- and post- release modules.
Pre-Release Counseling
Pre-release counseling is aimed at helping the client to prepare for, understand and cope with the new requirements associated with release, as well as adjusting to a new environment and functioning within the global community. This is not mental health or psychological counseling.
Post-Release Outreach Services
Post-release counseling is also aimed at helping the client to adjust to, understand and cope with the new requirements associated with release, as well as adjusting to a new environment and functioning within the global community. This is not mental health or psychological counseling.